ACQUISOTIC II – The Backstory

Bruce Gombrelli Musical Artist Official Website

Acquisotic II was a really fun release. I took a break after “Acquisotic I” which was named That’s How Dreams Go and released in 2005 (which was later released as Miles of Smiles. It was 7 years later with a lot of tunes ready to be released. Well, I didn’t nearly release all of them but I actually created 2 different releases. One called Stir Fry which was all my collaborations to date and Acquisotic II which was by Bruce Gombrelli. The first time I introduced my name into the Album other than the writer and producer. Many of the songs from that era still remain unreleased. I’ll get to that eventually. However, many were finished up and new material introduced. This was produced in my Issaquah, Wa studio.

The songs are mostly split between songs written around 2016 and songs written about 2011. Hear Emotion Detective to hear the instrumentals I released from those years.

Paradigm Pure

This song was one of my favorites as well. Very esoteric actually. It was written during the THDG (That How Dreams Go) session in 2005/2006. The song is about how the young and innocent go through hard time but are encouraged to persevere though it AND the idea that we have a paradigm of how things should be, and how that is only in our mind.

Terra Journey

Another song from my never released book. The Oversoul.  It about the journey through the Oasis. I was originally planned to have the entire book represented by an album, but life gets busy and complex you know. This song was totally complete in my mind when it was released but it was pretty good so I wanted to release it then instead of sitting on it any longer. This was written later around 2010’s

All In You

This song is about how to find a relationship. It’s about how you must develop yourself first and that best relationship might be that one you don’t recognize close to you. Don’t settle for less! A very uplifting tune actually. Written in 2012 the year the album was released.  The song is based on an Arpeggio and finds me playing live bass.  It has a very strong Beatles lean, in the chorus especially. My favorite lyric “If you could dream. What color you’d see. In this world of hues. And if you could find a place in your life for that. That’s where you’d want to be.”  There’s a nod to inside outside.

Good List

This is a song about a boy friend who was trying to tell a gal how many neat things there was about her but, unfortunately, she couldn’t internalize it. Hence her sadness. I like the premise of the song, It was to create a list of great things about you. There’s a lot of great detail in this tune. A song of love to my future loved one. This song has a Groove drum track basis and the guitars has another set of arpeggios and some horns I scored in it. Later on I wouldn’t have a song with a groove track like that but I left it because it’s the essence of the song. I love the list idea. Trivia: This song even has a harp in it when the list is counted off. The bass is live. The guitar lead is a lumbering dual tracked Reggae sounding bunch of dittys.

Wonderful Week

Definitely written in 2011-2012. The song was written about Stephanie Gombrelli. That’s it, it’s a song of togetherness. This song also has a groove track basis which was embellished by the addition of a synchronized synth and addition drum fills. It was written on the acoustic. I added the strings and pizz strings later. I love those and always think of George Martin when I do that sort of thing.

Inside Outside

I rather like this one. Written in 2006 when I was single again. It represented a conversation, again, trying to convince the other person that it just wasn’t quite going to work out the way I had wanted. But yet, it’s still a song of Love to the woman I might meet in the future.

Sands Of Time

Once again the is the 2006 aftermath of That’s How Dreams Go sessions. The premise is a guy goes into Space, and has a metaphysical event that totally changes him. Years later it reflects on it, and try to come to terms with it. Very Ethereal.

While In Alone

Does the ending sound like I Am The Walrus? That’s because the Rhodes keyboard was intended to sound like that. The song is as real as it gets. I was alone! In the end of the song, I decided I was going to be ok with it. It’s written from deep emotion and is wonderful song. Originally written in 2006 it was heavily redone in 2012 for the final release and the ending, which was even longer was shortened. The ending section was just a vamp.